How the fuck do I even write anymore

Ok so I kept putting off writing a fiction story that I want to say was brewing in my head but honestly it's like a couple tiny ideas and no overall picture yet and I know that once I start writing it will grow more and form better but not having a true ending goal … Continue reading How the fuck do I even write anymore

One more before new things.

[Preface: This was one of my favorite stories because I really wanted to try writing a fight that could be followed with more than a few hits. Yes, it gets very confusing and I even had moments writing having to reread for position. I did want to revisit these character ideas, although not exactly, and … Continue reading One more before new things.

I’m going to post some of my works from the last few years I wrote while I figure stuff out

  Blocked   Four days left His fingers once again tried to work. Rick couldn’t make the corner in time. He was passing by the same mailbox ten times faster than he ever had before, the headline just as blurred, when his foot became lodged in a- ...A what? Bill Grayson is having the worst … Continue reading I’m going to post some of my works from the last few years I wrote while I figure stuff out