How the fuck do I even write anymore

Ok so I kept putting off writing a fiction story that I want to say was brewing in my head but honestly it’s like a couple tiny ideas and no overall picture yet and I know that once I start writing it will grow more and form better but not having a true ending goal or idea yet (except a theme or two) means the set up will feel… lackluster.

That was all one sentence. If you have already read some of my stuff, then you’ll find that’s par for the course. I try not to make run on sentences (often) but would rather stretch out when I get a chance instead of short sentences. I do love those short and sweet moments though. Also be on the lookout for missing words and shifted characters (“int he” instead of “in the”). I try to catch them after I edit (if I even do that sometimes) but hey, mistakes happen.

I need to start writing this though, if only so I can get back into the flow and write another story to come from it.  I’m going to outline some of the core ideas and characters. SPOILERS, I guess?

Setting: So far all I have is some generic fantasy rural towns. The time period is going to resemble early 20th century with objects resembling early industrial revolution inventions except more magic based. Small elements changed in a world affect large scale elements already, so examining how magic existing and it coming to this will also require some more work. I’m most likely going to incrementally introduce such characteristics. Later city ideas have been formed off of MTG. I did so when I DM’d for a short while and while I don’t want to just say “Oh hey you wander into the city of DOMINARIA” or the artificing town of Mirrodin, I do want to have a multicultural melting pot based off of Ravnica in a NYC or Chicago feel. More influences from my life will seep though and will definitely be apparent.

Magic itself must come at a price. I’ve always found that to be a good rule and while I don’t want to hard define a system for the world, there are some general principles I’ve been considering.

  • Magic has a cost. Be it time, energy, sacrifice, blood. All the factors that go into casting, enchanting, etc… are important in some way.
  • There are not “Universal constants” required. A fireball will not always take 6 seconds to cast and create an exact size similar to someone else. Some may be quicker, some modify it. Putting more time into a spell would increase the output with at least some increase in cost whereas less time would be smaller output but require less energy or a smaller cost. An experienced practitioner will also cast stronger and/or faster than a novice although a novice overpowering them isn’t unheard of. Gaps in skill/experience/strength are real. They aren’t impossibly to overcome though.
  • Strengthening your magical output or capacity is done around the same pace as muscle strengthening. Reading one book won’t make you noticeably stronger, but practicing will be just slightly easier and an alternate path for the mana may be found.
  • The “cost” of magic is not always immediate. There will of course be ways to to pre-focus energy and costs into spells, and of course there are things like enchantments. Delayed costs are exponentially worse though. Not getting into specifics yet but think of loans with interest. High interest.


  • The main character is an as of now unnamed woman with amnesia. She’s going to become a hand-to-hand fighter (think monks and brawlers) and the one item I’m currently set on is a pair of enchanted gloves that have some powerful spells accessible through certain hand signs. No it’s not going to be naruto style throwing sign after sign. But a certain configuration may have a spell resembling featherfall.
  • One man I still haven’t figured out his position is going to have a curse/enchantment on him that involves absorbing and reflecting impacts. Not nearly as absurd as Luffy from One Piece but probably closer and slightly above the husband from Kung Fu Hustle. It would definitely be increased over time in overall use but the sheer power won’t go up that much. Possibly a support/healer type.
  • Gender neutral rogue. Rarely reveals physical features. Possibly has some constant visual enchantments and misdirection effects. Intending them to be mostly* proficient at stealth. Often very direct in conversation.
  • An offensive type mage. I want them to be bad at being an intellectual. Malaphors will be a staple of their dialogue. Will also be intuitive but will often mess up facts, information, ideas. Insight will often be on the right path though.
  • Fifth core member will either be a rough idea of a bard I have or possibly a completely unguided/unrefined jill of all trades. Both maybe? Or even parts of “Janet” from Bar Fight. Trying to determine her personality. Possibly a jaded socialite. Someone who has no trouble talking with people and guiding conversations but would not care if she never had to talk to a person again.

Naming conventions are not really present in the world. While maybe not in the same family, it is believable that three store workers may be named “Joel” “Gregathor” and “Lysandra Nocturne” and be all fairly average people. I don’t want to constrain myself to abstract fiction names but also not shun them. “Cyberbear” is not likely to be a name. Sorry.

The plot itself, I’ve had some ideas brewing of a weapon created from a simple game enchantment. Giant cannonballs that do not stop after impact would be one side effect. ”

Races: I know I’m going to end up with way more human characters than non-humans and the humanoids are going to blend in. They aren’t everything but from where I’m beginning, it will be like the chance a Texan would encounter someone from Nepal or South Dakota: It’s a possible but not often.

Writing rules: I enjoyed Terry Pratchett and Eoin Colfer among many others. Currently I really love Wildbow’s works. I want not just magic, but satisfaction to come at a cost. If I find that something works out pretty well for the group, that might be a sign that a jump in difficulty is coming.

It’s late and I can’t think of much else. But I think I worked out just a little more while doing this so yay.

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